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Privacy Policy

Privacy Notices

To provide you with services and programs in support of Advancing Quantum Technologies (CT), Advancing Quantum Technologies (CT) may collect, store and/or process information on website visitors. In collecting and using such information, we are committed to your privacy and the protection of personal information.

Data That is Collected Automatically

Some data may automatically be collected during visits to this website, to better serve website visitors and improve services. Such data may include IP addresses and internet domains, as well as statistical information such as browser used, time on site, pages access, operating system, and other information that will help improve users’ website experiences.

Data That is Voluntarily Provided by Website Users

On a voluntarily basis, visitors to the Advancing Quantum Technologies (CT) website may be asked for information, i.e. name, email address, phone numbers, date of birth, mailing address, etc., for the purposes of a specific transaction or service. Collection and maintenance of such data is subject to applicable State of Connecticut and federal regulations.

Use of “Cookies”

Cookies are data files placed on a user’s computer; they do not generally contain personally identifiable information. Most browsers allow users to manage cookies on their computers, including disabling the use of cookies or otherwise managing how they are used. Cookies may be used to collect aggregate users’ behavior; store user preferences; record pages visited; and customize content for subsequent website visits. Continued use of the Advancing Quantum Technologies (CT) website indicates consent for the collection and use of information as described in this notice..

Third Party Vendors

Advancing Quantum Technologies (CT) uses the Google Analytics platform to collect, including the use of cookies, to collect and analyze data and information. The information is transmitted to and stored by Google.

Links to other websites. Advancing Quantum Technologies (CT) website may contain links to other websites, including governmental sites, nonprofit sites, and commercial sites. Such use is intended to benefit our website users, but does not constitute an endorsement of goods or services offered by those websites/entities.