Our Mission

QuantumCT is a public-private partnership accelerating the adoption of quantum technologies in Connecticut and beyond.

QuantumCT is building the foundation for Connecticut to become a leading hub for quantum technologies.

This effort includes:

  • Support for expanding research.
  • Engaging industry in applications of quantum technologies that will provide companies with a competitive edge in the marketplace.
  • Building a robust pipeline of new talent prepared to step into the opportunities offered by a quantum economy.

Driving the quantum economy.

QuantumCT is collaborating with a broad coalition of partners across academia, government, the private sector and community leaders to lay the groundwork for expansive, equitable economic development.

We are driven by a commitment to excellence, curiosity, and collaboration. These values shape every aspect of what we do, from developing cutting-edge technologies to fostering a culture that encourages innovation and continuous learning.

The successful integration of quantum technologies into various industries requires a skilled and knowledgeable workforce. Our commitment to workforce development aligns with our vision to create inclusive and equitable economic development opportunities, ensuring that Connecticut residents across a broad range of jobs and skill levels can actively participate in and benefit from the quantum revolution.

As we continue to evolve, our story remains rooted in a dedication to driving the quantum economy.

QuantumCT Fast Facts

  • Establishing a pathway for translating discoveries into actual products that companies can sell or adopt to be more competitive in the global market.
  • Supporting SMEs and large corporations by providing R&D, testing and evaluation services.
  • Forming an incubator and accelerator that can fully support the entrepreneurial community in an innovation campus and providing funding to help de-risk technologies.
  • Facilitating tech transfer by providing quantum-focused business startup services including nondilutive capital, mentorship access and related accelerator services, as well as access to a range of facilities.
  • Developing curriculum plans for all education levels and credentialing to existing workforce training providers, K-12 programs, and the state and community college system that includes the adjacent professional sectors.
  • Promoting continuous innovation across quantum technology platforms by focusing on use-cases.

$1 Million NSF Grant

QuantumCT was awarded a $1M planning grant from the U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF).
QuantumCT is award
number 2302908.

Innovation Ecosystem

The NSF award is helping us develop Connecticut’s innovation ecosystem to prepare a strong proposal for becoming a future NSF Engine, where we will have the opportunity to receive up to $160 million over ten years.