Our Mission

QuantumCT is a public-private partnership accelerating the adoption of quantum technologies in Connecticut and beyond.

QuantumCT is an innovation-driven economic development organization designed to strengthen a thriving entrepreneurial ecosystem, educate and train the next-generation workforce, and advance industry adoption in quantum applications. A joint initiative between University of Connecticut, Yale University and the State of Connecticut, QuantumCT is leading the next quantum revolution.


QuantumCT's efforts include support for expanding research, engaging industry in applications of quantum technologies that will provide companies with a competitive edge in the marketplace, and building a robust pipeline of new talent prepared to step into the opportunities offered by a quantum economy.

Our plan is rooted in academic-industry research partnerships to develop quantum applications that are relevant to Connecticut industries, such as aerospace, insurance, finance, and biotech. We are also establishing a pathway for translating discoveries into actual products that companies can sell or adopt to be more competitive in the global market.

We recognize that the successful integration of quantum technologies into various industries requires a skilled and knowledgeable workforce. Our commitment to workforce and curriculum development ensures that Connecticut residents across a broad range of jobs and skill levels can actively participate in and benefit from the quantum revolution.

As we continue to evolve, our story remains rooted in a dedication to driving the quantum economy.


  • Establishing a pathway for translating discoveries into actual products that companies can sell or adopt to be more competitive in the global market.
  • Supporting SMEs and large corporations by providing R&D, testing and evaluation services.
  • Forming an incubator and accelerator that can fully support the entrepreneurial community.
  • Providing funding to help de-risk technologies.
  • Facilitating tech transfer by providing quantum-focused business startup services including nondilutive capital, mentorship access and related accelerator services, as well as access to a range of facilities.
  • Developing curriculum plans for all education levels and credentialing to existing workforce training providers, K-12 programs, and the state and community college system that includes the adjacent professional sectors.
  • Promoting continuous innovation across quantum technology platforms by focusing on use-cases.